The -10 Floor First Version

I started my game developer journey when the quarantine struck because I had too much free time. An average online school day lasted about half of the regular school time and I started to work the minute that it was over. I got addicted to gamedev really quickly and sometimes I had opened the school video call and the project and worked on it in the middle of the online class, of course I will never advise to do something like this, and to be honest I nearly got caught a few times, but overall I think it was worth it. I managed to finish the first version of the game on new year's eve and my resolution for this year is to complete it.

Thank you very much for looking at this post and please make sure to check out The -10 Floor and give your feedback.

Get The -10 Floor


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Nice! I also started learning Unity (and Game Dev in general) because of quarantine, and I love it! I think your games are great, keep making them!!